scope of education phychology???

27-01-2017 26 Answers
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mis sangeeta's anwer is right

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शैक्षिक मनोविज्ञान (Educational psychology), मनोविज्ञान की वह शाखा है जिसमें इस बात का अध्ययन किया जाता है कि मानव शैक्षिक वातावरण में सीखता कैसे है तथा शैक्षणिक क्रियाकलाप अधिक प्रभावी कैसे बनाये जा सकते हैं। 'शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान' दो शब्दों के योग से बना है - ‘शिक्षा’ और ‘मनोविज्ञान’।

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you are right answer

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right answer

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer. develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer. develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology-1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology- 1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology- 1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology- 1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology- 1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology- 1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology- 1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology- 1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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scope of education phychology- 1.Human development 2.Learning 3.Mental health 4.teaching material 5.Personality adjustment 6.Curriculum formation 7.Physchology experiment 8.Indevidual difference 9.Measurement & evaluation. Its actually right answer... develop develop

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sry problem

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