Flak - कड़ी आलोचना (strong criticism)
Fife - बांसुरी (a kind of small shrill flute used with the drum in military bands)
Hamster - चूहा जैसा जानवर (furry little creature)
Kaput - नष्ट/ बेकार (broken and useless; no longer working or effective)
Kitsch - फूहड़ रचना/ घटिया (something of low taste or quality)
Kindergarten - बालविहार (the grade before first grade)
Lager - लागर (a kind of effervescent beer which is light in colour and body)
Noodle - नूडल (a popular pasta food)
Rucksack - पीठ थैला (a bag with shoulder straps which allow it to be carried on someone's back)
Wanderlust - भ्रमण-लालसा (a strong desire to travel)
Zeitgeist - समय की प्रचलित रीति (the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history)
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