1) Misery (noun) ˈमिज़रि
great unhappiness or suffering (तकलीफ़, परेशानी, दुर्दशा)
2) Luxury (noun) ˈलक्शरि
great comfort, especially as provided by expensive and beautiful things (बहुत आरामदेह और आंनदप्रद स्थिति)
3) Ascendency (noun) असेन्डन्सी
occupation of a position of dominant power or influence (प्रधानता)
4) Conquest (noun) ˈकॉङ्क्वेस्ट्
an act of conquering something (जीत)
5) Serendipity (noun) ˌसेरन्ˈडिपटि
the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance (आकस्मिक लाभवृत्ति)