Entrepreneur आन्ट्रप्रनर
Mischievous मिस्चवस
Hyperbole हाइपर्बली
Epitome इपिटमी
Almond आमन्ड
August ऑगस्ट
Wednesday वेन्ज़्डै
Prestigious प्रेस्टिजस
Don't forget to watch
12 easy but the most confusing English words: by Taruna ma'am
English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश
Entrepreneur आन्ट्रप्रनर
Mischievous मिस्चवस
Hyperbole हाइपर्बली
Epitome इपिटमी
Almond आमन्ड
August ऑगस्ट
Wednesday वेन्ज़्डै
Prestigious प्रेस्टिजस
Don't forget to watch
12 easy but the most confusing English words: by Taruna ma'am