ad nauseam (ˌऐड्ˈनॉज़िऐम्) - घृणास्पद होने तक (if a person does or says something ad nauseam he/she does or says it again and again until it becomes boring and annoying)
bon voyage (बान वॉइआश़) - शुभ यात्रा (used to express good wishes to someone about to set off on a journey)
carte blanche (कार्ट ब्लैन्च) - पूर्णाधिकार पत्र (complete freedom to act as one wishes)
caveat emptor (केवीऐट एम्प्टॉर) - क्रेता सावधान (the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made)
en masse (आन मैस) - सामूहिक रूप से (all together and in large numbers)