sweet tooth: love sweet things (मीठे का शौकीन)
She has a sweet tooth. She always eats ice cream after dinner.
take a rain check: To reschedule at another time (किसी योजना को टालना)
Can I take a rain check? I don’t have time to go out tonight.
take my hat off to someone: honour someone (किसी की तारीफ़ करना)
I take my hat off to Rahul. He was the best singer at the party.
take no prisoners: ruthlessly aggressive (पूरे दिल से आक्रामक)
To be successful in business, you need to take no prisoners and beat the competition.
take the bull by the horns: be brave and face a challenge (बहादुरी से मुसीबत का सामना करना)
If you want to be the CEO of the company, take the bull by the horns and work harder.
talk a blue streak: talk a lot (जल्दी-जल्दी और बिना रुके बात करना)
They are close friends and can talk a blue streak on the phone.