People who hate parties
party-pooper = जिसे parties करना या जाना पसंद ना हो:
Don't be such a party-pooper!
a wet blanket = जो मजा नहीं करना नहीं चाहता:
He's such a wet blanket.
pour cold water on = जो वातावरण को गंभीर या भावना रहित बना दे:
So then he had to go and pour cold water on everything by refusing to sing Happy Birthday.
a wallflower = ऐसा व्यक्ति जो किसी पार्टी में अकेला खड़ा हो:
Who's the wallflower over there?
spoil someone's fireworks = किसी के अच्छे mood को खराब कर देना:
Don't go and spoil on his fireworks by turning down the music.
find someone in the kitchen at parties = वह व्यक्ति जो किसी से जल्दी ना घुले मिले:
You'll always find Sarwan in the kitchen at parties.