HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Andro-/Andr- Root Word

Andro-/Andr- Greek word andró(s) से लिया गया है जिसका meaning होता है 'man, male or masculine'

Words Based on the Andr Root Word
Android: Resembling a human/ human-like robot.
Misandry: Hatred towards men.
Andragogy: The methods or techniques used to teach adults.
Polyandry: The practice of having more than 1 husband at the same time.
Androcracy: The political rule by men or males.
Androcentric: Centred or focused on men.


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Quote of the week

What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.
हम जो हैं वह हमें ईश्वर की देन है, हम जो बनते हैं वह परमेश्वर को हमारी देन है।

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One word substitution

A person difficult to please - Fastidious
A person liable to be called to account for his action - Answerable
A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return - Parasite
A person who attacks first - Aggressor
A person who believes easily whatever he is told - Credulous
A person who believes that all events are pre-determined - Fatalist

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conceit - humility, shyness
conceal - disregard, uncover, disclose
instigate - discourage, neglect
avarice - generosity, philanthropy
vent - closing, close

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Winter Phrases and Expressions

NIP IN THE AIR - हवा में हल्की-फुल्की ठण्ड का आभास होने की शुरुआत होना।
• I felt a little nip in the air when I opened the window this morning.
COLD SNAP/ COLD SPELL - तापमान में अचानक गिरावट आने से ठण्ड का बढ़ जाना (कुछ समय के लिए)।
• All roads were covered with snow today due to last night’s cold snap/ spell.
CHILLED TO THE BONE - हड्डियां तक ठंडी हो जाना यानी शरीर में कंपकंपी पैदा कर देने वाली सर्दी महसूस होना।
• The icy wind blowing on the mountain made us chilled to our bones.
THE DEAD OF WINTER - अक्सर winter season के एक हिस्से में गहन ठण्ड पड़ती है जिसे dead of winter कहा जाता है।
• The only thing I want to do in the dead of winter is to stay indoors and drink hot coffee.

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Showing 551 to 555 of 3052 (611 Pages)
