- श्वासप्रणाल - Windpipe / Trachea
- श्वासनली - Bronchial tube
- केशिकाएं - Capillaries
- पेट - Stomach
- तिल्ली - Spleen
- अग्न्याशय - Pancreas
- पित्ताशय - Gall bladder
- शेषसंग्रह - Appendix
- मलाशय - Rectum
- गुदा - Anus
English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश
A.M. - ante meridiem ( Latin expression meaning before midday )
P.M. - post meridiem ( after midday ), also Prime Minister
etc. - et cetera ( and others ) Latin Expression
e.g. - example given
ib - ibid ( short form of ibidem, the Latin expression meaning in the same place )
id - idem ( the same )
i.e. - id est - Latin ( that is )
n.b. - nota bene ( Latin Phrase meaning note well )
Jocund - morose
Illuminate - darken
Induce - dissuade
Imbecile - sane
Fickle - firm
Savage (बर्बरतापूर्ण) - Ruthless, Unrelenting
Subjugate (पराजित करना) - Vanquish, Rout
Encroach (अतिक्रमण करना) - Seize, Wrest
Slovenly (लापरवाह) - Clumsy, Immature
Reticent (अल्पभाषी) - Taciturn, Reserved