HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Sounds of birds

Kites - scream
Falcons - chant
Flamingos - Mutter, grunt
Flies - buzz
Geese (Gooses) - cackle, gobble
Hawks - scream
Hummingbirds - chatter, squeal
Larks - sing, warble

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Foreign words we use in English

ad nauseam (ˌऐड्ˈनॉज़िऐम्‌) - घृणास्पद होने तक (if a person does or says something ad nauseam he/she does or says it again and again until it becomes boring and annoying)
bon voyage (बान वॉइआश़) - शुभ यात्रा (used to express good wishes to someone about to set off on a journey)
carte blanche (कार्ट ब्लैन्च) - पूर्णाधिकार पत्र (complete freedom to act as one wishes)
caveat emptor (केवीऐट एम्प्टॉर) - क्रेता सावधान (the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made)
en masse (आन मैस) - सामूहिक रूप से (all together and in large numbers)

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Animals and their babies

Frog - tadpole
Butterfly - caterpillar
Swan - Cygnet
Spider - spiderling
Pig - piglet
Owl - owlet
Kangaroo - joey
Goat - kid
Rabbit - kit
Deer - fawn

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Portmanteau words

dumbfounded (dumb + confounded) - surprised into silence

electrocute (electricity + execute) - to kill with electricity

flare (flair + glare) - a burst of light

fortnight (fourteen + night) - period of fourteen nights, or two week

motel (motor + hotel) - lodging designed for motorists

shepherd (sheep + herder) - person who minds a flock of sheep

stash (store + cache) - hidden collection of valuables

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Slang phrases in English

KNACKERED: थकान होना/ थक जाना
GUTTED: निराश होना
NARKY: चिड़चिड़ा
FLUKE: अचानक/ भाग्य से मिली सफलता
CHUFFED: अत्यधिक प्रसन्न

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Showing 691 to 695 of 3053 (611 Pages)
