HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Different types of manias

Ecdemomania - Abnormal compulsion for wandering
Egomania - Irrational self-centered attitude or self-worship
Eleutheromania - Manic desire for freedom
Empleomania - Mania for holding public office
Enosimania - Pathological belief that one has sinned
Entheomania - Abnormal belief that one is divinely inspired
Epomania - Craze for writing epics
Ergasiomania - Excessive desire to work; ergomania; workaholism

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Phrasal verbs with 'DIE'

Die away - Become quieter or inaudible (of a sound) (शिथिल बन जाना/ कमजोर बनना)
The last notes DIED AWAY and the audience burst into applause.
Die down - Decrease or become quieter (शांत हो जाना)
It was on the front pages of all the papers for a few days, but the interest gradually DIED DOWN.
Die for - Want something a lot (कुछ ज्यादा चाहना)
I’m DYING FOR the weekend- this week’s been so hard.
Die off - Become extinct (विलुप्त होना/ समाप्त हो जाना)
The veterans of World War II are now old and gradually DYING OFF.
Die out - Become extinct or disappear (गायब होना)
Some scientists say that the dinosaurs DIED OUT when a comet hit the earth and caused a nuclear winter

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Dexter Root word के बारे में जानें

Dexter एक Latin root word है और इसका मतलब है relating to or situated on the right. दूसरे शब्दों में dexter right hand से related होता है। इससे बनने वाले words है -
ambidexter (noun) The ability to use either hand with equal skill
ambidexterity (noun) The ability to perform manual skills easily with one or the other hand
ambidextrous (adjective) Concerning someone who is able to use both manual extensions of the arms equally well
dexterity (noun) A coordination of small muscles, in movements
dexterous (adjective) Descriptive of someone who shows great skill or cleverness with the mind and the hands
dexterously (adverb) Referring to the skillful use of the hands
dextrality (adjective) Relating to right-eared

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Popular internet abbreviations

LOL: Laughing out loud.
ASAP: As soon as possible.
FYI: For your information.
G2G: Got to go.
FB: Facebook.
MSG: Message.
TTYL: Talk to you later.
IMO: In my opinion.
MT: Modified Tweet
PM: Private Message
NB: Not Bad
PRT: Partial Retweet
RT: Retweet

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Quote of the week

Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.
अगर गलती करने की स्वतंत्रता ना हो तो स्वतंत्र होने का कोई अर्थ ही नहीं है ।
                                                                  – Mahatma Gandhi

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