Pleased to meet you.
It was lovely meeting you.
It’s been a pleasure meeting you.
It’s a pleasure meeting you.
I have enjoyed meeting you.
Happy to meet you.
Glad to see you.
Great seeing you.
It was great interacting with you.
English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश
Pleased to meet you.
It was lovely meeting you.
It’s been a pleasure meeting you.
It’s a pleasure meeting you.
I have enjoyed meeting you.
Happy to meet you.
Glad to see you.
Great seeing you.
It was great interacting with you.
Yawn- जम्हाई
Ishita yawned before going to bed.
बिस्तर में जाने से पहले इशिता ने जम्हाई ली।
Sneeze- छींकना
When you get cold you sneeze a lot.
जब आपको ठंड/ सर्दी लगती है तो आप बहुत छींकते हैं।
Hiccups- हिचकी आना
They got hiccups from drinking the lemonade too fast.
जल्दी-जल्दी नींबू पानी पीने से उन्हें हिचकी आने लगी।
Burp- डकारना
While eating, do not burp or make noise.
खाना खाते वक्त, डकारना और शोर मत करना।
Scream- चीखना
I screamed because the lizard followed me.
मैं चिल्लायी क्योंकि वह छिपकली मेरा पीछा कर रही थी।
Vomit- उलटी करना
The man vomited on the floor.
आदमी ने फ़र्श पर उल्टी कर दी।
विशेषण जो लोगों को परिभाषित करते हैं
1. Agile-जल्दी से very easily/ quickly
Mr. Kapil Sharma is of an agile mind.
2. Feeble- बहुत कमजोर weak/without energy
The old man was helpless and feeble.
3. Dishevelled-मलीन untidy/shabby
That girl has dishevelled hair.
4. Grubby- गंदा dirty
Don't touch me with your grubby hands.
5. Unkempt- जिस पर ध्यान न दिया गया हो not looked after.
The time has come to protect those unkempt children.
6. Bonny- स्वस्थ/ सुन्दर ;good looking/ healthy (बच्चे को संदर्भित करता है)
I saw a cute bonny baby today.
7. Scrawny- सूखा/ दुबला पतला very thin
I saw him after 2 months he looked terribly scrawny.
8. Clumsy- अनाड़ी
You are clumsy.
Quantifiers- कुछ ऐसे words की जिनसे nouns की मात्रा बताई जा सके।
ये सभी words nouns से पहले लगाए जाते हैं और nouns की quantity जो कि अनिश्चित है, उसके बारे में बतातें हैं।
Few थोड़ा, कुछ (जिन्हें गिना जा सकता है) जैसे कुछ लड़के, कुछ बच्चे आदि।
Few boys
Less, Little थोड़ा, कुछ (जिन्हें गिना नहीं जा सकता) जैसे थोड़ा पानी, कुछ पैट्रोल आदि।
Little water
Some थोड़ा, कुछ (दोनों के साथ – जिन्हें गिना जा सकता है और जिन्हें गिना नहीं जा सकता)
Some boys/water.
We don't have much time to finish this.
There are many books on the desk.
Did you see any friends?
Simple future
Subject + shall/will + verb 1 + object
We shall move to another city.
He will come to New York tomorrow.
Future Continuous
Subject + shall/will + be + verb+ing +object
I shall be sleeping at around 6.00 AM tomorrow.
She will be watching TV when I come home.
Future Perfect Tense
Subject + shall/will + have + verb 3+ object
I shall have completed the assignment by Monday.
She will have cleaned the house before her father comes.
Future Perfect continuous
Subject+ will + have been+ verb. Ing+ object
I will have been singing different kinds of songs before you join us.
We will have been watching a movie in the Cineplex before you come.
You will have been shopping in that market before we come.