HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Quote of the week

The dream is not what you see in sleep, dreams are those that do not let you sleep.
सपने वो नहीं है जो आप नींद में देखे, सपने वो है जो आपको नींद ही नहीं आने दे।

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हिंदी की कहावते और मुहावरे English में - 2

नई नौ दिन पुरानी सौ दिन - New brooms are not better than old ones.
पढ़े न लिखे, नाम विद्यासागर - an ignorant man keeping great fuss
पाँचों उँगलियाँ घी में - Your bread is buttered on both sides.
न घर का न घाट का - neither fish in or fowl
पानी में रहकर मगर से बैर - You cannot live in Rome and fight with the Pope
चिराग तले अँधेरा The nearer the church the farther from the God

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हिंदी की कहावते और मुहावरे English में - 1

जाको राखे साइयाँ मार सके ना कोय – Whom God keeps no frost can kill.
आम के आम गुठली के दाम - Earth’s joys and heaven’s combined
एक ही थाली के चट्टे बट्टे - Cast in the same mould
दान की बछिया का दाँत नहीं देखा जाता - Beggars and borrowers could not be choosers
दिवार के भी कान होते हैं - Hedges have eyes and walls have ears
नौ सौ चूहे खाकर बिल्ली चली हज को - Committing sins on all the days in the week and going to church on Sundays

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Hyphenated Phrases

AD-LIB: तैयारी के बिना (impromptu, without preparation)
CAST-OFF: नाकाबिल, अयोग्य (no longer wanted; abandoned or discarded)
BLUE-CHIP: मूल्यवान (valuable, excellent)
CUL-DE-SAC: आखिरी सिरा (dead-end; a street or passage closed at one end)
PELL-MELL: तितर-बितर (recklessly hasty or disorganized)
RANK-AND-FILE: आम जनता (common people)
HARD-LINER: कट्टर/ आदर्श, समझौता का विरोधी (unyielding, sticking to one's principles)
DERRING-DO: शूरता, जान पर खेल जाने की हिम्‍मत (action displaying heroic courage)


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Few vs Less

Few (कम)
Few is an adjective that means small in number. It is used with countable objects.
This department has few employees.
May I ask a few questions?

Less (कम)
Less is an adjective that means small in amount or degree. It is used with objects of indivisible mass.
Which jar holds less water?
The less time spent there, the better.

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Showing 321 to 325 of 3051 (611 Pages)
