CALM: काम
TALK: टॉक
FOLK: फोक
HALF: हाफ
PALM: पाम
YOLK: योक
ALMOND: आमन्ड
COULD: कुड
English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश
CALM: काम
TALK: टॉक
FOLK: फोक
HALF: हाफ
PALM: पाम
YOLK: योक
ALMOND: आमन्ड
COULD: कुड
Bee’s knees – the height of excellence or perfection;
Cat’s meow – something or someone highly admirable or excellent;
Hooch – slang for alcohol, particularly illicitly produced alcohol during Prohibition in the United States;
Savage -when someone is bold and doesn’t care about consequences
Stan - an extremely or excessively enthusiastic and devoted fan
buck – dollar
lad – young man
quid – pound
Root Word – Dict/Dic Latin language से लिया गया है और इसका meaning होता है – Say या Speak
English words containing Dict/Dic in them –
Prediction – say something beforehand
Dictated – say something to someone
Verdict – speaking or saying the truth
Indicate – make known about something by saying
Contradict – say something against
Dictionary – a book that tells us how to say a certain word correctly
Addicted – when we want to say or declare that we are in love with certain things
Condign (लायक़) - Suitable, Earned, Deserved
Choleric (चिड़चिड़ा) - Petulant, Irascible, Bad-tempered
Charlatan (मायावी) - Chicane, Mountebank, Impostor
Calm (शांत) - Composed, Peaceful, Quiet,
Confess (कबूल) - Acknowledge, Admit, Confide
Cursory (सतही,चलता हुआ) - Offhand, Hasty, Superficial
Cynical (निंदक) - Pessimistic, Sardonic, Misanthropic
Diffident (संकोची) - Bashful, Modest, shrink
Lazy (आलसी) - Diligent (मेहनती)
Ancient (प्राचीन) - Modern (आधुनिक)
Forgive (क्षमा करना) - Blame (दोष लगाना)
Polite (विनम्र) - Rude (अशिष्ट)
Alive (जीवित) - Dead (मृत)
Dawn (सवेरा) - Dusk (संध्या)
Create (बनाना) - Destroy (नष्ट करना)
Exhale (सास छोड़ना) - Inhale (सास लेना)
Exterior (बाहरी) - Interior (आंतरिक)
Major (बालिग़) - Minor (नाबालिग)