Tyranny (noun) - अत्याचार (cruel and oppressive government or rule)
Correct pronunciation- टिरनी
Wrong pronnunciation - टायरनी
Flout (verb) उल्लंघन करना (to refuse to obey or accept something)
Correct pronunciation- फ्लाउट
Wrong pronnunciation -फ्लोट
Colossal (adjective) बहुत बड़ा (extremely large or on a great scale)
Correct pronunciation- : कˈलॉस्ल्
Wrong pronnunciation -कोलोसल
Moratorium (noun) पाबंदी (a stopping of an activity for an agreed amount of time)
Correct pronunciation- : मॉरटॉरीअम
Wrong pronnunciation - मोरोटरियम
Diminutive (adjective) सामान्य से काफ़ी छोटा, नन्हा (much smaller than usual)
Correct pronunciation- डिˈमिन्यटिव़्
Wrong pronnunciation -डिमयुनिटिव
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