A post which carries no salary - honorary (अलाभकर)
A place where birds are kept - aviary (पक्षीशाला)
Liable to catch fire easily - inflammable (ज्वलनशील)
One who knows or sees everything - omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
A man with an evil reputation - notorious (कुख्यात)
Power of reading the thoughts of others immediately - Telepathy (दूरबोध)
Incapable of being heard - Inaudible (न सुनाई देने वाला)
That which will last for a long time - Durable (टिकाऊ)
A list of books - Catalogue (सूची)
Periodical published twice in a week. - Biweekly (सप्ताह में दो बार)