HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

One Word Substitutions

Having knowledge of an event before it occurs (adjective) – PRECIENT (भविष्यद्दर्शी)

One who knows all – OMNISCIENT (सर्वज्ञ/ अन्तर्यामी)

Someone who is ignorant (adjective) – NESCIENT (अनभिज्ञा/ अज्ञानी)

Word used to refer to people who enjoy groups and companionship – GREGARIOUS (मिलनसार/ संघचारी)

The word used to refer to someone who is highly skilled – CONSSUMATE (उत्कृष्ट)

To separate from the rest – SEGREGATE (अलग करना)

A religious flock – CONGREGATION (मण्डली/ भक्तगण)

A total, whole or mass – AGGREGATION (एकत्रीकरण/ संग्रह)

Smoothfluency that arouses suspicion – GLIBNESS (शब्द-बाहुल्य/) 

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