As gentle as a lamb: My grandmother is as gentle as a lamb. (मेरी दादी भेड़ के बच्चे के समान शांत है।)
As graceful as a swan: The dancer was as graceful as a swan. (नर्तकी एक हंस के समान आकर्षक थी।)
As light as a feather: Her new mobile was as light as a feather. (उसका नया मोबाइल पंख की तरह हल्का था।)
As loud as thunder: The sound of the bomb blast was as loud as thunder. (बम विस्फोट की आवाज़ बिजली की गड़गड़ाहट की तरह तेज थी।)
As noiseless as a shadow: The thief entered the house as noiseless as a shadow. (चोर घर के अंदर एक छाया की तरह बिना शोर गुल के घुसा।)
As quick as lightning: The car was as quick as lightning. (कार बिजली की तरह तेज थी।)
As troublesome as a monkey: My nephew is as mischievous as a monkey. (मेरा भतीजा बन्दर की तरह शरारती है।)
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