HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Greek root word Derm(a) के बारे में जानें

Derma एक Greek root word है जिसका अर्थ होता है skin. इससे बनने वाले words है -

dermatologist - a doctor who specializes in the physiology of the skin
dermatitis - inflammation of the skin
pachyderm - a large mammal with thick skin, such as an elephant or hippo
epidermis - the outer layer of skin covering the body surface
endoderm - the inner germ layer that develops into the lining of the digestive and respiratory systems
hypodermic - relating to or located below the epidermis
taxidermy - the art of mounting the skins of animals


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Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness (बदसूरती का डर)
Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed (उपहास/ खुद का मज़ाक बनने का डर)
Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors (शीशों का डर)
Chionophobia - Fear of snow (बर्फ़बारी का डर)
Chromophobia - Fear of colors (रंगों का डर)
Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks (घड़ियों का डर)

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Know these important synonyms

Apocryphal - adjective - (of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true (अप्रमाणिक/ असत्य)
Synonyms - Fictitious, inaccurate, counterfeit, baseless, disputed

Hermit - noun - a person who prefers to live alone, without contact with other people (संन्‍यासी)
Synonyms - Solitary, ascetic, abstinent, caveman, recluse

Parochial - adjective - only concerned with small issues that happen in your local area and not interested in more important things (संकीर्ण/ संकुचित)
Synonyms - Intolerant, narrow-minded, insular, conservative

Hyperbole - noun - a way of speaking or writing that makes something sound better, more exciting, dangerous, etc. than it really is
Synonyms - Exaggeration, overstatement, magnification

Enigma - noun - a person, thing or situation that is difficult to understand ((व्‍यक्ति, वस्‍तु या परिस्थिति) जिसे समझना कठिन हो; पेचीदा)
Synonyms - Riddle, secret, brain teaser, closed book

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English Words That Are Actually Spanish-2

Spanish word: Aguacate
Meaning: A dark green pear-shaped fruit with smooth, light green pulp and one large seed in the center

Spanish word: Plaza
Meaning: A public area, in a form of a building with shops and stores

Spanish word: Cargo
Meaning: Goods that are transported through ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle

Spanish word: Vainilla
Meaning: A sweet substance extracted from vanilla pods, used as a flavor in food or in perfume, etc.

Spanish word: Tornado
Meaning: A powerful, destructive windstorm that forms itself into a cone-like shape, capable of destroying everything on land

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English Words That Are Actually Spanish-1

Spanish word: Brisa
Meaning: A gentle blow or moderate current of air

Spanish word: Guerrilla
Meaning: A member of a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting, typically against larger regular forces

Spanish word: Estampida
Meaning: A sudden frenzied rush of people or animals

Spanish word: Macho
Meaning: To have manly characteristics and qualities such as being robust, strong, aggressive, unemotional, etc.

Spanish word: Cucaracha
Meaning: An insect with antennae and legs, usually the reddish brown kinds are found as household pests

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Showing 1101 to 1105 of 3053 (611 Pages)
