HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Body sound/ noises in English

  1. चुटकी बजाना - Snap the fingers
  2. ऊँगली चटकाना - Cracking the knuckles
  3. दांत किटकिटाना - Grind the teeth
  4. खर्राटे लेना - Snore  
  5. नाक के माध्यम से तेजी से सांस लेना, खासकर यह दिखाने के लिए कि आप नाराज हैं - Snort
  6. तेजी से नाक से सांस लेना (जुक़ाम के समय) - Snuffle
  7. डकार लेना - Belch/ Burp 
  8. जंभाई/ उबासी - Yawn 
  9. खांसी - Cough 
  10. छींक - Sneeze
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Quote of the week

No matter how high the goal is, but the paths are always below their feet.
मंज़िल चाहे जितनी भी ऊँची हो, परंतु रास्ते हमेशा अपने पैरों के नीचे ही होते है।

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Already vs All ready

Already (adverb) 

Meaning: by this time (पहले से)

We have already seen this movie. 

All ready (phrase)

Meaning: fully prepared (पूरी तरह से तैयार)

The guest room is all ready for your friends.

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Root word - neuron

Neuron एक Greek root word है जिसका मतलब होता है nerve (तन्त्रिका)

Words Based on Neuron Root Word


Neurotics : Having or suggesting neurosis

Neurosis : An emotional illness in which a person experiences strong feelings of fear and worry

Neuralgia : A sharp pain that is felt along the length of a nerve

Neuritis : Inflammation of a peripheral nerve or nerves causing pain.

Neuropathy : An abnormal state of the nervous system or nerves

Neurosurgeon : Specialist/ doctor dealing with the treatment of nervous structures ( as nerves, the brain or spinal cord)

Neurology: The scientific study of the nervous system and the diseases related to it.

Neurotoxic : Toxic to nerves or nervous tissue

Neuropathology: Branch of medicine concerned with diseases of the nervous system

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Know these important words for Competitive Exams

REPRISAL(Noun): an act of retaliation (प्रतिहिंसा)

Meticulous (adjective): showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise (सूक्ष्म/ विस्तार पर बहुत ध्यान देना)  

Unprecedented (adjective): never done or known before (अभूतपूर्व)

Conducive (adjective): helping or making something happen (सहायक या किसी का कारण बनना)

Fester (Verb): (used about an unpleasant situation, feeling or thought) to become more unpleasant because you do not deal with it successfully (अप्रिय स्थिति आदि का) सफलतापूर्वक न निपटाए जाने के कारण और अधिक कटु हो जाना)

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