HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Important words for competitive exams

Virago (noun)
a bad-tempered woman who is aggressive and tries to tell people what to do (चिड़चिड़ी लड़ाका महिला)
Chauvinist (noun)
a person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic, especially one devoted to military glory. a person who believes one gender is superior to the other, as a male chauvinist or a female chauvinist (अंधराष्ट्रीवादी/ उग्र राष्ट्रवादी/ पुरुष-श्रेष्‍ठतावादी)
Patriotic (adjective)
having or showing great love for your country (देशभक्ति पूर्ण; राष्‍ट्रप्रेम से युक्त)
Monomaniac (noun)
a person exhibiting an exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing/ a person who is extremely interested in only one thing, often to such a degree that they are mentally ill (एकोंमादी)
Iconoclast (noun)
a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions. 2 : a person who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration (परम्परा/ रिवाज़ तोड़ने वाला/ रूढ़िगत विचारों का विरोधी)
Atheist (noun)-  a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods (नास्तिक/ ईश्वर को न मानने वाला)


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Phrases with the word LEAVE

1) Leave no stone unturned - to make every possible effort to find someone or something

(कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ना/ हर मुमकिन प्रयास करना)


2) Leave somebody out in the cold (phrase) - to deliberately not include someone in something

(नज़र अंदाज करना)


3) Leave someone cold (phrase) - to not make you feel interested or excited

(उत्साहित न करना)


4) Leave someone hanging (phrase) - to keep someone waiting for your decision or answer

(किसी को अपने निर्णय या उत्तर का इंतज़ार करवाना/ अधर में लटकाना) 


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Correct pronunciation & meaning

1) Misery (noun) ˈमिज़रि

great unhappiness or suffering (तकलीफ़, परेशानी, दुर्दशा)

2) Luxury (noun) ˈलक्‌शरि

 great comfort, especially as provided by expensive and beautiful things (बहुत आरामदेह और आंनदप्रद स्थिति)

3) Ascendency (noun) असेन्डन्सी

occupation of a position of dominant power or influence (प्रधानता)


4) Conquest (noun) ˈकॉङ्‌क्‍वे᠎स्‍ट्‌

an act of conquering something (जीत)

5) Serendipity  (noun) ˌसेरन्ˈडिपटि

the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance (आकस्मिक लाभवृत्ति)


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Abandon (छोड़ देना) - Leave, forsake.
Abettor (अपराध-सहकारी) - Accomplice
Abnegation (अस्वीकार) - Denial
Abridge (छोटा या संक्षिप्‍त करना) - Shorten, curtail.
Abundant (बहुत बड़ी मात्रा में) - Plentiful

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Know the opposites

Ability - Disability
Malice - Goodwill
Accept - Reject, refuse
Acquit - Convict
Natural - Artificial
Barbarous - Civilized

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Showing 1156 to 1160 of 3053 (611 Pages)
