HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Idioms/ Phrases

Hang by a thread - बहुत नाजुक स्थिति में होना

Ramesh has been badly injured in the train accident and he is still hanging by a thread.

Hard of hearing - कुछ हद तक बहरा

You will have to speak a little louder, as Mr. Roa is hard of hearing.

Hard up - रुपयों की तंगी होना

Ever since he has left his job he has been quite hard up.

Every Now and then - अक्सर

We are very good friends and visit each other, every Now and then.

Fed up with - तंग आ जाना 

I am Fed up with this daily drudgery.


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Bewitching (मोहित करनेवाला) - repulsive, repugnant

Bleak (बेरंग) - bright pleasant

Brittle (नाज़ुक) - tough, enduring

Bustle (हलचल) - slowness, quiet

Calamity (आपदा) - happiness, fortune

Callous (कठोर) - compassionate, tender

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Preamble of Indian Constitution में लिखे शब्दों को मतलब समझिए

1. Sovereign (ˈसॉव़्‌रिन्‌)
having the highest power or being completely independent (स्वतन्त्र/ प्रभुसत्ता-संपन्‍न)
2. Socialist (सोशलिस्ट)
supporting or relating to socialism (समाजवादी/ समाजतंत्रवादी)
3. Secular (ˈसेक्‌यल(र्‌))
not concerned with any religion (पंथनिरपेक्ष)
4. Democratic (ˌडे᠎मˈक्रैटिक्‌)
based on the principles of democracy (लोकतांत्रिक)
5. Republic (रिˈपब्‌लिक्‌)
a country that has an elected government and an elected leader (president) (गणतंत्र; गणतांत्रिक राज्‍य (जिसकी सरकार और नेता दोनों निर्वाचित होते हैं))
6. Justice (ˈजस्‌टिस्‌)
the fair treatment of people (न्‍याय; लोगों के साथ उचित व्‍यवहार)
7. Liberty (ˈलिबटि)
the freedom to live as you wish or go where you want (आज़ादी/ स्वतंत्रता - मनचाही जगह पर जाने, मनचाहा काम करने आदि की)
8. Equality (इˈक्‍वॉलटि)
the situation in which everyone has the same rights and advantages (समानता, बराबरी)
9. Fraternity (फ़्रˈटनटि)
the feeling of friendship and support between people in the same group (भाईचारा, भ्रातृभाव, बंधुता)


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Commonly Misspelled Words

Wrong Spelling - Correct Spelling
   absense        - absence
   acceptible     - acceptable
   accidentaly   - accidentally
   acquaintence - acquaintance
   aquit            - acquit
   agression     – aggression
   alchohol       - alcohol
   ammend      - amend

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Quote of the week

An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.
आशावादी व्यक्ति हर आपदा में एक अवसर देखता है; निराशावादी व्यक्ति हर अवसर में एक आपदा देखता है।
                                                                                        - Winston Churchill

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