HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Know these idioms

To turn deaf ears on someone's words - किसी के शब्दों पर ध्यान न देना
Stop short of something - थोड़े से रह जाना
Being busy doing nothing - समय बर्बाद करना
To be touched - भावविभोर होना/ दिल को छू जाना
Room for improvement - सुधार की गुंजाइश
Chicken hearted - डरपोक
Chuckle in their sleeves - छिपाकर हँसना
By hook or crook - किसी भी तरह से

Word Power Made Easy Book - Session 21 (Part 1) - जानें root word Aequus के बारे में

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Know these antonyms

eerie - normal
emerge - disappear
endangered - protected
era - moment
evaluate - misjudge
evidence - guess

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Quote of the week

Success makes us familiar with the whole world where as failure introduces us to the whole world.

सफलता हमारा परिचय सारी दुनिया के साथ करवाती है जबकि असफलता सारी दुनिया का परिचय हम से करवाती है।

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Add these words in your vocabulary-2

1. Phosphene - फॉस-फीन
The stars or dots you see when you rub your eyes.

2. Agelast ऐजलास्ट
An agelast is a person who never laughs.

3. Glabella - ग्लेबेल्ला
The space between your eyebrows is called a glabella.

4. Petrichor - पेट्रीकॉर
The smell after the first rain is called petrichor.

5. Aglet - एग्लेट
The plastic or metallic coating at the end of your shoelaces is called an aglet.


क्या आप जानते है English में numbers के लिए कौनसे prefixes हैं? सीखिए इस video से

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Add these words in your vocabulary-1

1. Overmorrow ओवरमोरौ
The day after or following tomorrow.

2. Ereyesterday एरयस्टरडे
The day before yesterday.

3. Balter बॉल्टर
Dancing clumsily without any particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment.

4. Defenestrate - डि फिनेस्ट्रेट
Throwing a person or thing out of a window.

5. Nibling - निब्लिंग
The gender-neutral term for nieces or nephews

Today's quiz - Collective Nouns

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