HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Advanced vocabulary

dragnet - a series of actions taken by the police that are intended to catch criminals (महाजाल)
The police have widened their dragnet in their search for the killer.

masticate - to chew food (चबाना)
Don't gulp everything down without masticating.

oar - an implement used to propel or steer a boat (पतवार/ चप्पू)
He dipped his oars into the water and pulled.

motley - consisting of many different types that do not appear to go together (मिश्रित)
We have a motley of cultures and religions to teach our younger generation.

entail - to make something necessary, or to involve something (अपरिहार्य होना)
Such a large investment in the share market inevitably entails some risk.


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Social media acronyms and slang

IKR - I know, right?
OMW - on my way
TBF - to be fair
TBH - to be honest
BRB - be right back
BTS – Behind the scenes
FBF – Flashback Friday
FOMO – Fear of missing out
IDC – I don’t care
IMO – In my opinion
LMK – Let me know
NBD – No big deal

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Know the antonyms

Captivity - Freedom, Liberty
Cheap - Expensive, Worthy
Clever - Stupid, Foolish
Correct - Incorrect, Invalid
Conceal - Reveal, Ignore
Comfort - Discomfort, Torment

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Difference between Adverse and Averse

Adverse (adjective) ऐड्वर्स
विरुद्ध/ विपरीत/ प्रतिकूल
1) having a negative or harmful effect on something
I had an adverse reaction to the medication.
The forecasters have predicated adverse weather for the next two days.

2) going against something, or causing harm
Government policies may have adverse effects on the economy.
Recent advertisement has had an adverse effect on sales.

Averse (adjective) अवर्स
विरुद्ध/ अनिच्छुक
strongly disliking or opposed to
Few politicians are averse to appearing in debate on television.
Mr. Kumar is not averse to a large gathering.

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Daily used vocabulary

कब से - Since when

कब तक - Until when

किसके लिए - For whom

किसके बारे में - About whom

किसके साथ - With whom

कहाँ से - From where

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Showing 161 to 165 of 2954 (591 Pages)
