HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Quote of the week

We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us.
हमें हार नहीं माननी चाहिए और ना ही हमें समस्या को हमें पराजित करने की अनुमति देनी चाहिए।
                                                                             APJ Abdul Kalam

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Daily used vocabulary in English

कच्चा भात - Undercooked rice
कच्चा आम - Raw mango
कच्चा मांस - Raw meat
कच्चा माल - Raw material
कच्ची उम्र - Tender age
कच्चा मकान - Mud built house
कच्ची सड़क - Unmettaled road
कच्चा तेल - Crude oil
कच्चा धागा - Loose spun thread

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Know the synonyms

Dangerous - Perilous, Hazardous, Risky, Uncertain
Dark - Shadowy, Unlit, Murky, Gloomy
Decide - Determine, Settle, Choose, Resolve
Definite - Certain, Sure, Positive, Determined
Delicious - Savory, Delectable, Appetizing, Luscious
Destroy - Ruin, Demolish, Raze, Slay

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Words used for different occupations

Alchemist: Medieval chemist who claimed to be able to turn base metals into gold
Cartographer: Map maker
Chiropodist: Treats diseases of the feet & hands
Dermatologist: A doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin
Entomologist: A zoologist who studies insects
Midwife: A woman skilled in aiding the delivery of babies
Ophthalmologist: A medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye
Ornithologist: A zoologist who studies birds
Pediatrician: A specialist in the care of babies

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Root word 'Bio'

The Greek root word bio means ‘life.’

Words Based on the Bio Root Word
Biodiversity: The existence of many different kinds of plants and animals in an environment (जैवविविधता)
Bio fuel: Fuel made up of biological raw material like fossil fuel (जैव ईंधन)
Autobiography: An account of person’s life written by that person (आत्मकथा)
Amphibian: An animal that can live both in water as well as land (उभयचर)
Microbiology: A science that studies extremely small forms of life (सूक्ष्मजैविकी)
Biosphere: The part of earth in which life can exist (जीवमंडल)
Biopsy: Removal of living tissue from someone’s body in order to check for illness
Biogas: Fuel made by fermentation of organic matter


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Showing 166 to 170 of 2954 (591 Pages)
