HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Words related to abuse

Mock: To treat with ridicule or contempt
Scoff: Laugh at with contempt
Sneer: To smile, laugh, or contort the face in a taunting manner.
Gibe: To make taunting, heckling, or jeering remarks.
Deride: Contemptuous laughter; ridicule.
Contemn: Look down on with disdain.
Hector: Be bossy towards.

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Quote of the week

Keep your words soft and tender because tomorrow you may have to eat them.
अपनी वाणी को जितना हो सके निर्मल और पवित्र रखें, क्योंकि संभव है कि कल आपको उन्हें वापस लेना पड़ सकता है।

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Strengthen your vocabulary

Brash: Offensively bold ढीठ
Concur: Be in accord, be in agreement एक मत होना
Frenzy: State of violent mental agitation उन्माद
Incongruous: Lacking in harmony असंगत
Ominous: Threatening/Presaging ill fortune अशुभ

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English slang words/ phrases

Hobnob - Socialize with people of an artificially higher status
Chill - Relax
Cringe - Really embarrassing
Cram - Study like crazy
Dude - A guy
Nuts - Crazy
Yuppie - Young urban professional, white-collar worker
White-Collar - High-salary job that doesn’t involve manual labor, such as accountants and lawyers
Blue-Collar - Jobs focused on manual labor, such as farmers and miners
Finsta - Fake/Private Instagram account

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Daily used phrasal verbs

Come on
To encourage someone (किसी को प्रोत्साहित करना)
Come on, you can do it.

Come up
To approach (किसी तक पहुँचना)
He came up to me to let me know about it.

Put down
To insult (अपमान करना)
Don’t put anyone down.

Put through
To transfer the call to someone (किसी को कॉल ट्राँसफर करना)
Please put me through to your manager.

Pass away
Die (गुज़र जाना)
His uncle passed away last week.

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Showing 206 to 210 of 2959 (592 Pages)
