HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Root word - Crypt-

It combines the prefix 'crypto-' from the Greek 'kryptos' meaning 'hidden or secret'

Words having root word 'crypt'

cryptic - of an obscure nature (रहस्यमय)
cryptogram - a piece of writing in code or cipher (गुप्त सन्देश)
cryptography - the science of analyzing and deciphering codes and ciphers and cryptograms (गूढ़लेखन)
encrypt - convert ordinary language into code (कूट रूप देना)
encryption - the activity of converting data or information into code (गूढ़लेखन)

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Daily life में use होने वाली कहावते (proverbs) और मुहावरे (idioms) in English

  1. उल्टा चोर कोतवाल को डांटे - The pot calls the kettle black
  2. अभी दिल्ली दूर है - The destination is still far off
  3. ईश्वर की माया कहीं धुप कही छाया - Ups and downs are part and parcels of life
  4. अक्ल घास चरने गई है - His senses have taken leave
  5. अंधा क्या चाहे दो आँखें - A blind person needs but two eyes 
  6. देखो ऊँट किस करवट बैठता है - See which way the wind blows
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Words related to Gandhiji

राष्ट्रपिता - father of nation
अस्पृश्यता — untouchability
सत्य — truth
भारत छोड़ो — quit India
विभाजन — partition
अहिंसा — non-violence
आज़ादी — independence
चरखा - spinning wheel
शांति - peace

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Quote of the week

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Cue vs Queue

Cue -
1) संकेत/ सूचना (noun)
a signal for someone to do something:
They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave the party.

2) डंडा (noun)
a long, thin wooden pole with a small piece of leather at one end, used for hitting the ball in games such as billiards or snooker

Queue -
पंक्ति/ कतार
a line of people or vehicles waiting their turns.
We were made to stand in a queue before we could enter the stadium.

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