उलटी - Vomit
गर्भपात - Abortion
मुंहासे - Acne
पट्टी - Bandage
रक्तचाप - Blood Pressure
संक्रामक - Contagious
असंक्रामक - Non – contagious
खांसी - Cough
चक्कर - Dizziness
बुखार - Fever
सिरदर्द - Headache
पत्थरी/ पथरी - Stone
English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश
उलटी - Vomit
गर्भपात - Abortion
मुंहासे - Acne
पट्टी - Bandage
रक्तचाप - Blood Pressure
संक्रामक - Contagious
असंक्रामक - Non – contagious
खांसी - Cough
चक्कर - Dizziness
बुखार - Fever
सिरदर्द - Headache
पत्थरी/ पथरी - Stone
दवाई/ दवा/ औषधि - Medicine
डॉक्टर/ चिकित्सक - Doctor
घाव - Wound
घायल - Wounded
उपचार - Treatment
शल्यक्रिया - Operation
दांतों का डॉक्टर - Dentist
आँखों का डॉक्टर - Ophthalmologist
दर्द - Pain
बेहोश - Faint
Bleak - Bright, Pleasant
Bewitching - Repulsive, Repugnant
Baroque - Plain, unadorned
Brittle - Tough, Enduring
Barrier - Link, Assistance
Baffle - Facilitate, Clarify
Bustle - Slowness, Quiet
Barren - Damp, Fertile
Come between (Affect negatively or cause discord between (someone) and another person)
Our love is so strong that nothing can come between us.
Come by (Obtain; to get, especially by chance or involuntarily)
A loyal friend is hard to come by.
Come by (Come near to; pass; visit)
Your beau came by while you were shopping.
Come down (Decrease)
Real estate prices have come down since the peak of the boom.
Come down upon (Criticise, reprimand severely)
They’re coming down heavily upon people for not paying their taxes.