HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Suffix -able and -ible

Suffix -able या -ible का मतलब है - capable of being

edible खाने योग्य
presentable प्रस्तुत करने योग्य
abominable घृणा योग्य
credible विश्वासयोग्य
preventable निरोध्य
adaptable व्यवस्था योग्य
predictable पूर्वसूचनीय

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Quote of the week

If you believe in yourself then you will achieve what you want
अगर आपको खुद पर भरोसा है तो आप जो चाहते हैं उसे हासिल करके रहेंगे।

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Cereals names in English - 1

गेहूं - Wheat
चावल - Rice
पोहा/चेवड़ा - Rice flakes/ beaten rice
मुरमुरा - Rice puffed
साबूदाना - Sago
रवा, सूजी - Semolina
ज्वार - Sorghum
दलिया - Cracked wheat/ broken wheat
मकई के भूने हुए फूल - Cornflakes
मक्का - Maize
बाजरा - Millet
जौ, जई - Oat/ Pot barley
रागी - ragi
कुट्टू - Buckwheat

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Wake up vs Get up

Wake up

Wake up = to stop sleeping and open your eyes.


Why am I still tired when I wake up?

My alarm clock rang and I woke up immediately.

Get up

Get up = to get out of bed (usually to start your day).


This morning I got up earlier than normal.

I got up in the middle of the night to find myself another blanket because I was cold

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Idioms/ Phrases

Out of the wood
Meaning: Free from difficulties and danger (समस्याओं से मुक्त)

Under his thumb
Meaning: Under his control (किसी के नियंत्रण में रहना)

Between the devil and the deep sea
Meaning: Between two dangers (दो समस्याओं के बीच में)

Call a spade a spade
Meaning: To say something frankly and directly (किसी भी बात को सीधे सीधे ही कह देना)

Hoping against hope
Meaning: Without hope (बिना उम्मीद के)

Rain Cats and dog
Meaning: Raining heavily (बहुत बारिश होना)


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Showing 986 to 990 of 3053 (611 Pages)
