HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Know the synonyms and antonyms

Slipshod (adjective) असावधानीपूर्ण
Synonym: careless, lackadaisical
Antonym: meticulous, painstaking
Incommodious (adjective) असुविधाजनक
Synonym: annoying, awkward
Antonym: convenient, comfortable
Buoy (verb) बढ़ावा देना
Synonyms: bolster, boost
Antonyms: depress, deplete
Ratify (verb) पुष्टि करना
Synonyms: approve, confirm
Antonyms: deny, destroy

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Know the meaning of these words

1. Polymath (noun) बहुश्रुत
2. Vacillate (verb) संदेह करना
3. Molder (verb) गलना
4. Exhort (verb) समझाना
5. Dearth (noun) अकाल
6. Titter (verb) दबी हुई हँसी

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Quote of the week

The consequences of today are determined by the actions of the past. To change your future, alter your decisions today.
आज के परिणाम अतीत के कर्मों से निर्धारित होते हैं। अपने भविष्य को बदल पाने के लिए अपने आज के फैसलों को बदलें।

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Phrasal verbs with 'Make'

Make Do: To manage with what is available or to cope with a difficult situation.
(काम चालाना)
We don’t have any more sugar, we’ll have to make do with honey.

Make Off: To leave or escape quickly.
(जल्दी से निकल जाना)
The thief made off with the valuable paintings.

Make Over: To renovate or transform something or someone.
(किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति का नया करना बदलना।)
Anshul wants to make over her apartment with a new paint job and furniture.

Make Up To: To try to gain someone’s favor or approval by doing something kind or flattering.
(किसी की कृपा या चापलूसी करके किसी का साथ हासिल करना)
Aryan’s trying to make up to her by buying her flowers and chocolates.

Make Out: To understand or perceive something.
(कुछ समझने या अनुभव करने के लिए)
I couldn’t make out what she was saying over the loud music.

Make Up For: To compensate for something.
(किसी चीज़ की भरपाई करना।)
He’s trying to make up for his mistakes by working harder.


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Vocabulary for competitive exams

Permeate: Spread or diffuse through (आरपार निकलना)
Relegate: Refer to another person for decision or judgment (हस्तान्तरित करना)
Saturate: Infuse or fill completely (गीला कर देना/ परिपूर्ण करना)
Sedentary: Requiring sitting or little activity (गतिहीन)
Inert: Unable to move or resist motion (निष्क्रिय)
Tinge: A slight but appreciable amount (थोड़ा पर पर्याप्त)

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Showing 421 to 425 of 3052 (611 Pages)
