HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Quote of the week

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.
यदि आप महानता प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, तो इज़ाज़त मांगना बंद कर दें।

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Important vocabulary for competitive exams

Adverse: Unfavorable, detrimental (प्रतिकूल)
Backfire: To bring a result opposite to that which was planned or expected (उल्टी प्रतिक्रिया होना)
Bandit: Outlaw (लुटेरा)
Blunder: A bad mistake (बड़ी भूल)
Deduce: Reason out (परिणाम निकालना)
Glimmer: A faint, wavering, unsteady light (क्षीण प्रकाश)
Nuisance: Pest (परेशानी)
Hypothesis: A tentative theory or explanation (परिकल्पना)

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Common Hindi words in English

बूंदाबांदी होना - drizzle 

मूसलाधार बारिश होना - Rain cats and dogs/ pelt (down)

रुक रुक कर - on and off 

लगातार - continuously 

बारिश की बूँद - raindrop 

बरसात का पानी - rain water

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Know the correct pronunciation

Eminent (adjective)
Meaning: प्रतिष्ठित
Correct: ˈए᠎मिनन्‍ट्‌
Wrong: इमिनेंट

Hypocrite (noun)
Meaning: पाखंडी
Correct: हिपक्रिट
Wrong: हिपोक्रिट

maladroit (adjective)
Meaning: अकुशल/ बेअदब
Correct: मैलड्रॉइट
Wrong: मैलाडड्रोइट

Malicious (adjective)
Meaning: दुर्भावनाशील/ बुरा चाहने वाला
Correct: मˈलिशस्‌
Wrong: मैलेशियस

Malign (verb)
Meaning: निन्दा करना
Correct: मˈलाइन्‌
Wrong: मालिगन

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Know these idioms and phrases

Hard of hearing - कुछ हद तक बहरा

You will have to speak a little louder, as Mr. Roa is hard of hearing.

Hard up - रुपयों की तंगी होना

Ever since he has left his job he has been quite hard up.

Every Now and then - अक्सर

We are very good friends and visit each other every Now and then.

Fed up with - तंग आ जाना 

I am Fed up with this daily drudgery.

Yellow feeling - भाईचारा, अपनापन 

One should have fellow feelings for all.

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Showing 431 to 435 of 3052 (611 Pages)
