HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

कुछ अजीबों-गरीब phobias

Mysophobia - Fear of dirt and germs (गंदगी और कीटाणुओं से डर)
Haemetophobia - Fear of diseases (बीमारियों से डर)
Nyctophobia - An extreme fear of night and darkness (अँधेरे या रात से डर)
Thanatophobia - Intense fear of death or dying (मरने का डर)
Trypophobia - A fear of clusters of small spots and bumps (छोटे छोटे दाग धब्बे हो जाने का डर)
Androphobia - Fear of men (आदमियों से डर)
Gynephobia - Fear of women (औरतों से डर)
Gamophobia - Fear of marriage or relationship (शादी या सम्बन्ध में होने का डर)

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One word substitution

A temporary police force - Posse
Several fish swimming together - Shoal
One's relatives or family - Kin
A close-fitting cover for the blade of a knife or sword - Sheath
A storehouse for threshed grain - Granary
Believer of fate - Fatalist
Trees grow without underbrush - Grove
Something which can be copied - Imitable

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'Make' Collocations words with meaning in Hindi

Make a difference: Positive प्रभाव डालना या बदलाव लाना
Make a fortune - बहुत ज्यादा पैसा कमाना
Make a name for oneself - नाम कमाना
Make a living - जीवन चलाने के लिए पैसा कमाना
Make a mess - गंदगी फैलाना
Make ends meet - अपनी income में गुजारा करना
Make waves - विवाद पैदा करना
Make someone’s day - किसी के लिए खुशी लाना
Make a promise - कोई वादा करना

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Common Hindi words in English

कच्चा भात - undercooked rice
कच्चा आम - raw mango
कच्चा मांस - raw meat
कच्चा माल - raw material
कच्ची उम्र - tender age
कच्चा मकान - mud built house
कच्ची सड़क - unmettaled road
कच्चा तेल - crude oil
कच्चा धागा - loose spun thread

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One word substitution

  1. If something is very shocking then it is - jaw dropping
  2. If something is very scary then it is - spine tingling
  3. If something is very delectable/ tasty then it is - mouth watering
  4. If something makes you angry then it is - Outraging
  5. If something is powerfully pleasing and delightful then it is - Enchanting
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Showing 66 to 70 of 3158 (632 Pages)
