HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Siblings and Niblings - Do you know the meaning?

SIBLING: this refers to either your brother or sister.
NIBLING: this refers to the child of one of your sibling, in short, your nephew or niece is called niblings

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Each other or Eachother - Which one is correct?

Each other’ is a phrase used to refer to two or more people or things that are reciprocally involved with one another. It is a pronoun that indicates a mutual relationship or action between two or more entities.

On the other hand, ‘eachother’ is not a correct spelling of the phrase ‘each other.’

The two words should always be written separately.

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Quote of the week

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
हंसी के क्षणों के बिना बीता दिन सबसे खराब दिन है।

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Expressions with the Word TOUCH

Get in touch (with someone)
Meaning: to initiate contact with someone (किसी के संपर्क में रहना)
Example: I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all day. Where have you been?

Lose one’s touch
Meaning: to no longer have the ability to do things that one was able to do successfully in the past (पहले जैसी क्षमता ना रहना कुछ करने की)
Example: His last film flopped; he seems to be losing his touch.

Magic touch
Meaning: ability to do something excellently (जादुई स्पर्श - कोई काम करने की उत्कृष्ट क्षमता होना)
Example: He has a magic touch with decorating.

Keep in touch
Meaning: stay in contact with someone (संपर्क में रहना)
Example: I’ve always been trying to keep in touch with schoolmates.

Out of touch
Meaning: lack of information or communication (संपर्क में न रहना/ कोई जानकारी न होना)
Example: I’m out of touch with my former boss so I couldn’t tell you when she’s coming.

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Important vocabulary

Lousy - बहुत खराब/ घटिया
I had a lousy weekend.

Awful - खराब
We had awful weather.

Bum - बकवास
He gave us bum directions, but we eventually found the place.

Ineffectual - बेकार/ निष्प्रभावी
The teachers were ineffectual at maintaining discipline.

Atrocious - घटिया/ बेहूदा
The weather has been atrocious all week.

Appalling - भयावह
He witnessed some appalling acts of barbarism during the war.

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Showing 41 to 45 of 2984 (597 Pages)
