HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Bad habits in Hindi and English-2

  1. नाख़ून चबाना - nail biting 
  2. पादना - fart 
  3. खर्राटे लेना - snoring 
  4. पैर हिलाना - shaking legs 
  5. कही पर भी थूकना - spitting anywhere 
  6. अंगूठा चूसना - sucking thumb 
  7. दूसरों की न सुनना - not listening तो others 
  8. बाहर का खाना खनन - eating junk food too often 
  9. नियमों का पालन न करना - not following rules 
  10. हमेशा शिकायत करना - always complaining
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Bad habits in Hindi and English-1

  1. नाश्ता न करना - skipping breakfast 
  2. उँगलियाँ चटकाना - crack knuckles 
  3. नाक में ऊँगली डालना - nose picking
  4. बालों में ऊँगली घूमना- twirling hair 
  5. धूम्रपान करना - smoking 
  6. मधपान करना - drinking 
  7. अत्याधिक मध्यपान करना - binge drinking 
  8. दांत पीसना - grind the teeth 
  9. दूसरों को धमकाना - bullying others 
  10. कचरा फैलाना - littering
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Different phrases to use in place of 'It is cheap'

It's affordable.
It's inexpensive.
It's reasonable.
It's low-cost.
It's budget-friendly.
It's a bargain.
It's a steal.
It's dirt cheap.
It's cut-price.
It's economical.
I got it for a song. (a song - little money)
I got it for peanuts. (peanuts - little money)

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Sounds of things around us

traffic - noise
water - running
wind - rustling
clock - ticking
keyboard - typing
passing train - rumbling
refrigerator - humming
dishwasher - running
car - horns
phone - ringing
music - playing

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Confusing words in English

Canon - नियम (a rule, principle, or law, especially in the Christian Church)
The canon for lawyers has clear restrictions.
Cannon - बंदूक (a powerful arm that allows someone to throw a ball very hard)
The cannon were positioned on the field of battle.

Canvass - प्रचार (to try to get political support or votes, especially by visiting all the houses in an area)
I've been out canvassing for the Party every evening this week.
Canvas - मोटा कपड़ा (strong, rough cloth used for making tents, sails, bags, strong clothes, etc.)
The artist spread vibrant colors across the canvas, bringing her vision to life.

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Showing 46 to 50 of 3157 (632 Pages)
