HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Alternative to "I Think..."

In my opinion…
From my perspective…
As far as I’m concerned…
From my point of view…
In my view…
It appears to me…
As far as I can see…
My understanding is…
Based on what I know…
My take is…

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Quote of the week

Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too.
इतने खुश रहें कि जब दूसरे आपको देखें, तो वे भी खुश हो जाएं।

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Collective nouns you must know

Broccoli: A head of broccoli
Carrots: A bunch of carrots
Cereals: A box of cereals
Candies: A bag of candies
Cups: A stack of cups
Flour: A bag of flour
Ice Creams: A tub of ice creams
Jams: A jar of jams
Potatoes: A sack of potatoes
Salads: A bowl of salads

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Stop using common words - Learn Advanced vocabulary

Important - Crucial
Common - Universal, Ubiquitous
Accurate - Precise
Competitor - Rival
Blame - Condemn
Opinion - Perspective
Complain - Grumble
Complex - Intricate
Lonely - Solitary
Small - Minuscule
Praise - Extol
Hard-working - Assiduous

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Common Hindi sentences in English

मामले को थोड़ा ठंडा तो हो जाने दो - Let the dust settle. 

छोड़ो बाद में देखेंगे - Let's leave it for later.

अपने दिमाग पर थोड़ा जोर लगाओ - Rack your brain.

वो भी क्या दिन थे - Those were the days.

उसने सब उगल दिया - He blurted everything out.

ये तुम्हारे काम की बात है - It is in your interest.

जिंदगी आसान नहीं होती - Life is not peaches and cream.

सच्चाई का सामना करो - Wake up and smell the coffee.

तुमने तो मेरे मन की बात छीन ली - You have voiced exactly what was in my heart.

यह कोई छोटी मोटी बात नहीं है - It's not a mean feat.

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Showing 46 to 50 of 3221 (645 Pages)
