HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

Monsoon Vocabulary - 2

पानी में चलकर जाना - Wade through
भीग जाना - Get drenched
बादल - Clouds
गरजना - Thunder
बिजली चमकना - Lightning
बिजली गिरना - Strike
ओले - Hailstones
ओला आंधी - Hailstorm
आंधी - Storm
गरज तूफ़ान - Thunderstorm
धूल भरी आंधी - Dust storm
ओले गिरना - Hail
कीचड़ - Mud
फिसलन - Slippery
जलभराव - Waterlog
सीलन - Damp
बरसाती - Raincoat
छाता - Umbrella
इंद्रधनुष - Rainbow
वर्षा मापी - Rain gauge


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Monsoon vocabulary - 1

बारिश का मौसम - Rainy Season
बारिश - Rain
बारिश की बूँद - Raindrop
बारिश की बौछार - Shower
बूंदाबांदी होना - Drizzle
मूसलाधार बारिश होना - Rain cats and dogs
बारिश का कम हो जाना - Ease off
रुक रुक कर बारिश होना - On and off
अम्ल वर्षा - Acid rain
टपकना - Drip
बरसाती पोखरा - Puddle
कीचड़ से भरा पोखरा - Muddy Puddle
बरसाती पानी - Rain water
गड्ढा - Pothole
काई - Moss
दलदल - Swamp

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Phrases/ Idioms in English

फुर्ती दिखलाना - Look sharp
Look sharp - we haven't got all day!

हंगामा करना - Make a fuss
Don't make a fuss here.

कानूनन रद्द - Null and void
The election was declared null and void.

यदा कदा - Off and on
I watch movies off and on.

चौकस रहना - On the alert
After the theft, we are always on the alert.

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Important vocabulary for competitive exams

CANNIBAL (नरभक्षक) = One who eats human flesh
CANOPHILIST (व्यक्ति जो कुत्तों से प्यार करता है) = Lover of dogs
CARCASE (लाश) = The dad body of a animal
CARCASS (शव) = The dead body of a animal
CARDIOLOGIST (हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ) = A doctor specialising in matters relating to the heart.
CARNIVAL (कार्निवाल) = Public marry making and feasting
CAROUSAL (रंग-रेली) = Noisy drinking party or merry making

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Phrases with DEAD

Dead against - बिल्कुल खिलाफ
Completely opposed to
Her mother is dead against her acting in the films.

Dead loss - बेकार/ पूर्ण हानि
a person or thing that is not helpful or useful
He invested quite a lot of money in paper business but it proved to be a dead loss.

Dead of light - आधी रात को
the middle of the night, when it is very dark
The thief entered the house at dead of night.

Dead tired - बहुत थका हुआ
very tired; completely exhausted
Having walked Four miles I felt dead tired and immediately fell asleep.

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Showing 26 to 30 of 2984 (597 Pages)
