HinKhoj Dictionary

English Hindi Dictionary | अंग्रेज़ी हिन्दी शब्दकोश

One word substitution (related to person)

A person who has partial or complete loss of memory - Amnesiac
A person who doubts or questions accepted opinions or beliefs - Skeptic
A person or thing that causes a change or event to happen - Catalyst
A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand - Enigma
A person new to a particular activity or field of study - Novice
A person who is blamed for the mistakes or wrongdoings of others - Scapegoat
A knowledgeable person or an expert in a particular field - Maven
A person new to a particular activity or field of study - Neophyte
A person who is seen as a source of wise and insightful advice - Oracle
A person who has knowledge or expertise in multiple fields - Polymath

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Male animals: Animal Vocabulary

Male bee - drone
Male cat - Tom
Male donkey - jack
Male fox - dog
Male sheep - Ram
Male camel - bull
Male ant - drone
Male bear - boar
Male chicken - rooster
Male deer - buck
Male duck - drake
Male elephant - bull
Male zebra - Stallion
Male swan - cob

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Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS

Unsurmountable (adj.) = Something that cannot be overcome, conquered, or surpassed (अजेय)
Exacerbate (v.) = to make something worse (बिगाड़ना)
Mitigate (v.) = make less severe, less unpleasant (कम करना/ शांत करना)
Apprehensive (adj.) = worried, nervous (about a bad result) (आशंकावान)
Disgruntled (ad.) = unhappy and disappointed / dissatisfied (असंतुष्ट)
Bewildered (ad.) = confused (घबराया हुआ)
Inept (adj.) = Not good at your job, showing a lack of skill (अकुशल)
Impeccable (adj.) = Perfect, without fault (त्रुटिहीन)

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Must known English words

Phubbing: The act of ignoring someone in favour of focusing on your phone or other digital devices.

Normcore - A fashion trend characterized by wearing ordinary, unremarkable clothing to appear deliberately average

Side hustle: A secondary job or business that someone pursues in addition to their main job.

Hybrid work: A work arrangement that combines both in-office and remote work

Zoom fatigue: The tiredness and burnout caused by excessive use of video conferencing platforms like Zoom.

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Antonyms for competitive exams

Awake (जाग हुआ) - Asleep (सोया हुआ)
Bitter (कड़वा) - Sweet (मीठा)
Sane (समझदार) - Insane (पागल)
Polite (विनम्र) - Rude (अशिष्ट)
Alive (जीवित) - Dead (मृत)
Dawn (सवेरा) - Dusk (संध्या)
Maximum (सबसे ज्यादा) - Minimum (सबसे कम)
Camouflage (छलावरण) - Reveal (पता चलना)

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